How Sustainability is Connecting a Global Market Place With Keter CEO Alejandro Pena

When the Keter Group first opened its doors in 1948, the odds were pretty good that they hadn’t yet conceived of becoming industry leaders in the global hunt for energy efficiency and sustainability.

Founded to offer customers access to sustainable and best-in-class resin products, Keter Group has made a name for itself by living up to its motto: ‘Driven to Invent.’

Helmed by new CEO Alejandro Pena, the team at Keter is enjoying monumental leaps toward sustainability and energy efficiency. With a focus on customer service and innovation, let’s take a closer look at how Pena is angling for his company for today and for many years to come.

Sustainability Drive Led by Alejandro Pena

Alejandro Pena was brought on board the Keter Group in 2017. Hired to help bridge the gap between their home audiences and broader international markets, Pena quickly made it a goal of his to ensure that their sustainability efforts were always at the maximum effort.

Keter has long been focused on creating sustainable items, and that has included a focus on high-quality resin products. In addition to manufacturing its products within the very markets and demographics that they seek to serve, Keter is also tightening its supply chain to minimize energy loss and waste.

In 2020, Keter will release its first environmental sustainability report, which will set guidelines for accomplishing core goals and tasks in the coming years. By 2021, the same sustainability report had shown a greenhouse gas emissions reduction of nearly 20% by the company, joined by a reduction in waste and water consumption by around 11%.

The Four Pillars of Keter Group

Four fundamental pillars keep the business model that Keter follows supported. The first pillar revolves around innovation: “We invent what is new and what is next.”

In addition to a focus on innovation, Keter is a prominent supporter of remaining agile and entrepreneurial. Managing Director Eddie Johnson added, “The original mindset brought in with the business was that ‘nothing is impossible,’ and we have to do our best to uphold that.”

Beyond remaining agile and forward-thinking, Pena and his team understand their placement within the global marketplace where they need to serve communities in need.

Finally, Pena points to the importance of remaining sustainable and building toward a cleaner future. Keter’s ultimate goal is to reduce waste and become zero-waste across the board.

To help fully facilitate this process, Pena added, “We actually make our product where the product is consumed. This enabled us to be more responsive to adapt quicker to this particular dynamic.”